Burial site BurialSite: Stillfried an der March

Name Stillfried an der March
Alternative name In der Gans
Location Stillfried (Österreich (Niederösterreich) (Gänserndorf))
Geographical coordinate reference system
Topography hillside
Exact location No
Latitude 48.413651
Longitude 16.843946
Excavation partly excavated
Distance to next settlement <100 m
Type of burial site flat grave cemetery
Total number of excvated graves None
Dating Ha B1
Ha B2
Ha B3
Ha C1
Absolute dating None
Location of archaeological material and contact information Depot Landesmuseum Niederösterreich, Hainburg
Reference Lochner, M., Bestattungsrituale auf Gräberfeldern der älteren Phase der mitteldonauländischen Urnenfelderkultur